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Company Information

7. Haidequerstraße 5B
1110 Vienna
+43 50 626 2084 
+43 50 626 2090

Additional Information

Business purpose: Planning optimisation, execution and maintenance of waterproofing projects
Company Registry Number: FN 122679 k
Headquarters: Vienna, Austria
Register court: Handelsgericht Wien
Value Added Tax Identification Number: ATU 22424204
Member of: WKO Wien
Applicable Legislation: Gewerbeordnung
Inspecting Authority: Magistrat Wien 11. Bezirk (Gewerbe Baumeister, MA 63)
Member state:  Austria
Employer number: 700066943

Management bodies

Managing Director(s)

Markus Oberegger
Mario Bösch

Web design, editorial system & support

Group Communications

Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna
T +43 50 626-0

Declaration on the fundamental direction of the medium.

On this website, content is published first and foremost about the company IAT GmbH.


IAT GmbH takes great care in collecting the data provided on this website. The information provided on this website is constantly reviewed and updated without prior notice. Data may consequently have changed in the meantime. IAT GmbH does not assume any warranty or guarantee for the topicality, correctness or completeness of this information. In no event shall it be liable for any direct, special or consequential damage or other damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the direct or indirect use of the information available on this website. This also applies to all other websites referred to by hyperlink.